2012年9月17日 星期一

First Signs of an STD

Sexually transmitted disease or STD is becoming a major concern for those who enjoy sex quite often with multiple partners. Obviously, no one would like to have an STD but if you want to be saved from the ill effects of an STD you should be aware of its initial symptoms. A timely precaution can cure this disease.

The first and the foremost precaution would be to stop engaging in any sexual activity from the point one detects the first symptom of an STD.

Few of the well known symptoms of an STD are unusual discharge from the vagina and urethra, irresistible burning sensation around the genital region, and experiencing excruciating pain during sexual intercourse or during urination. Other symptoms include inflammation near the genital region. This could be in the form of sores in clusters. This inflammation could become a cause of concern if it has pus and is painful. A person who has an STD generally has awful odor from the body excretions.

Genital warts, swelling around the genital region are the other signs of an STD. The initial symptoms further leads to rise in body temperature, headache, giddiness and nausea. Women who contract STD generally experience pain in the lower abdomen, irregular menstruation, frequent urination, sudden change in the skin color, emergence of bruises and loss of hair in various parts of the hair.

After understanding the early signs of STD, one must get checked by an appropriate doctor for the confirmation of infections, because sometimes the actual symptoms may occur after a week or ten days of contracting the infection. Doctor would recommend having certain tests to verify that the person is infected or not. Once confirmed, the first thing that a person should remember is to cease any sexual activity, since it may aggravate the problem or transmit the infection to the partner.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in finance industry. He also offers top quality articles like:
Crohn's Disease Symptoms, ADD and ADHD

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