2012年9月16日 星期日

Antibiotics for the Most Common STDs - Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomonas

Sexual activity is starting at a younger age today and many experiment without thinking about the repercussions. They may not be aware or educated about the many problems that can arise with sexually activity. This always leaves a concern of STD's due to unsafe safe practices.

Do you think that you're suffering from an STD? Find out more about the signs, symptoms and treatment of common STD's below.

There are several common Sexually Transmitted Diseases or the newer term Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) that are seen more often that others in the United States today. Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomonas (Trich) are the most prevalent STD's in the U.S. With appropriate antibiotic treatment these infections are curable.

The person may present with no symptoms, or have some overlapping of symptoms. Common symptoms include increased vaginal or penis discharge, painful urination and irritation or itching. There is a hallmark symptom that may help distinguish Trichomonas from Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. Malodorous frothy better described as bubbly, yellow, green discharge is characteristic of trich.

These sexually transmitted infections may be diagnosed clinically, but usually lab testing is done in order to verify the results. Testing is recommended for those who have had sexually activity, specifically risky behaviors such as: no protection or multiple partners. Common testing for STD's includes a NAAT test, gram stain or urine test.

There are many different routes that may be chosen when treating a STD. Many different antibiotic options are available when trying to cure the infection. Antibiotics therapy is based on cost effectiveness and severity of symptoms. A few of the antibiotics below are options for the treatment of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Two (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea) of these three infections can be treated with about the same class of antibiotics. Antibiotics effective against these two bacterial infections include a third generation Quinolone which is somewhat expensive. The Tetracycline family or a first generation Macrolide is a cheaper yet effective antibiotic route to treat Chlamydia if cost of antibiotic therapy is a concern. A second generation Quinolone is a cost - effective option for Gonorrhea but efficacy must be considered.

It is thought that if you have Chlamydia or Gonorrhea that empiric treatment for both is usually indicated because co-infection is common.

Trichomonas (Trich) is an anaerobe protozoan infection and therefore is treated with a miscellaneous categorized antibiotic. Flagyl is first line treatment for trich and is also offered at a reasonable price.

If you are pregnant or less than 18 years of age a different antibiotic may be indicated due to contraindications. Tetracycline and Quinolone antibiotics are not used during pregnancy or if less than eighteen years old.

Partner treatment is highly recommended and Abstinence must be practiced until antibiotic therapy is completed. These common STDs can be cured when the right antibiotic is taken as specified. No follow - up is usually indicated unless symptoms persist. If symptoms do persist contact your provider for further evaluation and possible treatment regimens. If left uncured further complications may occur such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

To help prevent the spread of STD's there has been a push in the area of education and abstinence pertaining to combat sexually transmitted infections. Safe sex practices for those who chose to become active are also being emphasized. Condoms and monogamy are key areas of emphasis to prevent acquiring or transmission of these sexually transmitted diseases.

Visit with your medical provider for evaluation if you have any of the above mentioned risky sexual behaviors or signs and symptoms of an STD. Your provider may want to do testing for possible STD's and start treatment if indicated.

Are you suffering from an STD? Find out more about the Symptoms and Antibiotic Treatment of Common STD's at antibioticguide.net.

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1 則留言:

  1. Despite the prior statement, the majority of states specifically allow individuals to test anonymously—positive identification is not required at the time of testing.

    cost of std testing
