2012年7月23日 星期一

What Are the Symptoms of STDs?

People are very funny about sexually transmitted diseases. Despite our society's increased openness about sexuality in general, STDs are still a huge taboo: people find it embarrassing to admit that they've even been tested (even though it's a mature decision to make) let alone if they ever had treatment for a disease.

As such, people are always going to great pains to avoid making an appointment for an STD test. They increasingly do internet research to find out symptoms and try and figure out what's wrong with a self diagnosis, even though this really isn't the sort of thing that you should second guess - untreated STDs can lead to infertility, brain damage, heart disease, birth defects and in some cases death. And of course, they can also be spread onto others, giving them the risks as well. If you are in any doubt about your health, or think you have been taking risks, then you should really get an STD test.

So although I'm going to outline some of the symptoms that sufferers might see, this is not a substitute to a proper test for two reasons.

1) Many of the symptoms of STDs can be easily confused with those of similar conditions

2) In a good proportion of cases, those with STDs will exhibit no symptoms at all!

But with those caveats out of the way, here are the symptoms you might see if you have picked up a sexually transmitted disease:

In Women

· Sores, blisters or bumps around the genitals, anus and/or mouth

· A burning sensation while urinating

· An itching sensation while urinating

· Itching, unusual odour and/or unusual discharge from the vagina or anus

· Pains or aches in the lower abdomen

· Bleeding from the vagina outside of your period

In Men

· Sores, blisters or bumps around the genitals, anus and/or mouth

· A burning sensation during urination

· An itching sensation during urination

· Unusual discharge from the penis

· Itching, pain or discharge from the anus

Bear in mind that if these symptoms do indeed represent a sexually transmitted disease's presence and that the likelihood is that said STD is from a recent sexual encounter that symptoms can take weeks, months and sometimes ever years to manifest themselves. This means that not only can it be difficult to figure out where you may have got it, but also that if symptoms don't show up immediately this does not mean you have avoided catching a STD.

To conclude and reiterate: although the above symptoms may appear in many STD sufferers, the truth is that there is only one way to be absolutely certain of your health: book a STD test. The symptoms could be a STD, they might be related to something else, or they might be nothing to worry about! If you have any reason to believe that you may have caught a sexually transmitted disease, book an STD test today, and rest with peace of mind - there's really nothing to be embarrassed about.

Tim Leach is the Marketing Manager of USA Lab Testing, providers of confidential STD tests.

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